Friday Throwback Mix Show
with Nicky's Vibes 12 PM EST
#wizkid #Essence #gems #ozuna #Jhaycortez #rnb #healsme #unavainaloca #duki #SameSpace #samcooke #achangeisgonnacome #SilkSonic #jazzmusicians #nickys_vibes
I"m loving the show this morning, Stevie Wonder, Rock the Boat, Could it be I"m falling in Love, I feel like I"m at a party with all the family and our friends, such a warm and pleasant vibe. Delfina Azevedo, Harare, Zimbabwe
Hey girls! It's me Sibo totally loving the show this morning, talent, talent and more talent! Playing your show on the bus into work. Johannesburg - thank you for this one - Desma, Harare